Here are a few interesting links to explore regarding the issues addressed at the Cigonia Expertise Center:
To read (general public)
Avant et après bébé: exercices et conseils (Before and after baby: exercises and advices)
Chantale Dumoulin
Prix : 19,95 $
In this book, the author provides valuable advice and excellent exercises to help maintain your fitness during pregnancy and after childbirth. Illustrations make it easier to perform the various exercises.
Available in library and can be ordered online (french version only).
*The book Avant et après bébé : exercices et conseils has led to the development of a pelvic floor re-education program for the elderly.
Éditions Ste-Justine, 2011, 226 pages, Collection du CHU Sainte-Justine pour les parents (traduit en plusieurs langues), nouvelle édition (ISBN 9782896194261)
L’incontinence, brisons le silence : Trucs et astuces pour les aînés (Breaking the silence on incontinence: Tips and tricks for seniors)
Ministère de la Famille et des aînés – Government of Quebec
September 2009
Contact the Ministère de la Famille et des Aînés directly to order copies of the brochures: 1 888 643-4721